Street Art

Street Art

The attitude to street art depends on what we understand as ‘street art’. Walking along the streets of any city or town we often see graffiti on the walls of the buildings. It always hurts my eye when I notice a dark splash or spot on a snow-white freshly painted wall. It is still worse when the graffiti are on the buildings which are recognized as monuments of architecture. No one knows what makes young people daub the surfaces with spray paint.
Graffiti appeared not so long ago, especially in our country. The problem lies in the accessibility of spray paint. You can just buy a tube and put it in the backpack. A jar of paint isn’t small enough to be taken. Besides one needs brushes to apply it.
On the other hand there are really unique people who create street art, which draws everyone’s attention to various problems and phenomena. The most famous street artist, whose works are often published on the Internet is Banksy. He comes from the UK, but his real name hasn’t been disclosed yet. The officials sometimes report they have found and detained him, but in reality it turns out to be a fake. His
drawings are really interesting and unusual. Though in my opinion his activity is not legal either, because he seems to be spoiling the walls of the buildings, too.
But sometimes street art may be even useful. In the yards by blocks of flats there are so many concrete cubes, which contain electric equipment or something else. They look really awful. Street artists sometimes paint the whole box, depicting some symbols of the city or even panoramas. They do it in accordance with local authorities’ orders. Such objects can be found in our city, too.
I have never had a wish to buy spray paint myself and sprinkle some surface with it. I think it is necessary to increase the fines for this illegal activity, so that teenagers wouldn’t do it so willingly. On the other hand the authorities should think of some places where street art could be legal.

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