

Superstitions are the best thing to talk about. Really they are. I am not a superstitious person and I don’t know much about this sphere of life. That is why I searched for some special superstitions on the Internet and had a lot of fun. Superstitions are the same thing as astrology for me personally. As far as I understand the superstitions are different around the world and people in different countries believe that the same thing may bring you either luck or troubles.
A black cat crossing your path brings luck in Britain whereas in Russia it is a bad omen. So when you see a black cat in Russia there are even more superstitions you have to follow to avert bad luck. You can turn your back on the poor animal and move backwards ahead. Sounds strange, doesn’t it? Or you may do something else. How can it possibly be? Let’s assume that if we multiply two by two it makes four in Russia and five in the UK. Non-sen-se.
Let’s move on. There are still better superstitions. All those broken mirrors, spilt salt… Do you know what one does if he or she breaks a mirror? Now I do, as I have been enlightened. You (just listen to it!) release evil spirits for seven years. Really for seven years? Why not for five or ten? Whoknows? They must be living somewhere inside the mirror, in the thin film of amalgam.
We continue. Friday, 13th – what is this day for you? I know quite a lot of people who ascribe some supernatural qualities to this date. I don’t think we should care about numbers.
Do you ever hand anything over across the threshold? If you do, never do it again! It will bring you bad luck, too. The funniest thing is that if you are not aware of the superstition, it cannot do you any harm. And if you are…
You are in a hurry, and you have just locked the door, remembering that you have left an umbrella or a car-key at home. You don’t come back, do you? And if you have enough courage, do not forget to take a look at yourself in the mirror.
Some students put coins under the heels when taking exams. They believe it can help some way. They also believe that it is a bad sign when you forget the credit book before the exam and come back to take it. I suppose it is much worse to leave a pen at home to say nothing of the knowledge.
Summing up I can say that all kinds of superstitions deprive a human being of freedom. It is interesting that everyone who believes and follows the superstitions does it of his own free will, as nobody makes him or her perform any magical practices to avoid bad luck. All the superstitions exist only in the imagination and not in reality. They are the heritage coming from dark pagan times. And I believe that they will exist as long as the humankind does.

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