Ключи (ответы) к упражнениям учебного пособия «Английский язык. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений» (Словохотов К.П.). Unit 10

Ключи (ответы) к упражнениям учебного пособия «Английский язык. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений» (Словохотов К.П.). Unit 10

Ключи предназначены исключительно для самопроверки. Любой язык предполагает возможность выразить одну и ту же мысль несколькими способами, поэтому всегда лучше думать самостоятельно и обращаться к готовым ответам лишь в случае затруднений. Кроме того, любой опытный учитель с легкостью отличит самостоятельно выполненную работу учащегося от списанной с ключей.


1. has been travelling 2. have been looking 3. have been charging 4. have been thinking 5. has been designing 6. has been carrying out 7. has been supplying 8. has been using 9. have been replacing 10. have been looking 11. have been boiling 12. has been studying 13. has been aching 14. have been doing 15. has been playing


1. what 2. how long 3. where 4. what 5. how many 6. why/where 7. what 8. what/who 9. why 10. who 11. what 12. how long 13. where/how 14. why/how 15. which


a) 1. has been exploring 2. Are they still exploring 3. have been waiting 4. is walking 5. has been walking 6. am learning 7. have you been learning 8. have you been learning 9. have been living 10. is living 11. have been searching 12. are picking, is getting, are going 13. have been investigating 14. have been investigating 15. is investigating

b) 1. have been working 2. has worked 3. haven’t discussed 4. have you been climbing 5. has tried 6. have been rehearsing 7. has signed 8. has your granny been watching 9. has completed 10. have you been crying 11. have been typing 12. have they been building 13. have developed 14. have you signed 15. has been embroidering


1j 2f 3g 4b 5i 6h 7a 8c 9e 10d


1. How long have you been on your way? – Just imagine we have been on the bus for three hours in such heat! 2. Alex’s cousin is coming in a week. – Great! We haven’t seen him for a long time. 3. The sportsmen have been training at the new stadium for half a year. 4. The competition has been going on for two days but our swimming team hasn’t won a single golden medal yet. 5. The local tradesmen often cheat tourists. – Yeah, I have been there three or four times and I know about that. 6. Have they been travelling around India for so long? – Yes, they have been for some weeks there. 7. It’s the first time I have heard about that from you. 8. Don’t remove the files from the memory card – I haven’t copied them onto my computer yet. 9. Make Tom go out and walk – he has been sitting and playing computer games for half a day! 10. Have you seen the exam results on the website of the university? – Not yet, they usually publish them after July, 20th. 11. People have been having fun at the festival for a few days. 12. I have been making the cake since morning and now I have spoilt everything. 13. The expedition is studying the movement of ice in the Arctic and sends daily reports to Seattle. 14. We have received all the reports but one archive is damaged and we haven’t been able to unpack it. 15. Minnie writes that they are watching aurora borealis (the Northern Lights) right now. 16. For the lecture the professor has picked out some of the most interesting questions on the topic he has been working on for the past ten years. 17. It’s thawing again. 18. Where have you been walking the dog? It’s dirty from head to toe. 19. How many students of your group have failed the exam? – Everyone has passed it. 20. I have been thinking about the plot of the new story all this time.


1. had been calling 2. had called 3. had been cooking 4. had painted 5. had settled 6. had been picking 7. had had 8. had  been hunting/had hunted 9. had Mrs Wilkins been substituting/had Mrs Wilkins substituted 10. had smuggled 11. had been arguing 12. had been using paper 13. he had painted 14. had been painting 15. had been doing 16. had grabbed 17. had fallen 18. had been free-falling 19. had been carrying/had carried 20. had been taking/had taken


A. 1. Why hadn’t you handed the documents to Mr Warren before he went on a business trip? 2. The candle was burning on the table and Tom was looking at its flame and thinking about something. 3. It was frosty in the morning and it was thawing when we were coming back home. 4. Hardly had the tourists made a fire when the rain put it out. 5. Tim Barnes couldn’t remember that he had ever come across such an edition (a book) in his immense library. 6. While the dentist was working on the child’s tooth, his mom was waiting for him in the corridor. 7. While I was browsing through my old photos I ran across one I had not seen before. 8. Last time they arrived at the airport on time but it turned out that they had left the ticket at home. – And what did they do? – Apparently they were able to recover the tickets. 9. We hadn’t played tennis a single time before we returned home. 10. We didn’t take warm clothes with us because we believed the forecast that had predicted temperatures above 10 degrees.

B. 1. While the workers were digging the foundation trench they ran across some shells that had not exploded and had been buried underground for seventy years. 2. At 2 a.m. Tanya was about to fall asleep and by mistake she didn’t save the file she had been working on for some hours. 3. Yesterday we finally visited Shakespeare’s birthplace – the place we had read so much about and that we had dreamt of seeing (вариант проще: had wanted to see) for so long. 4. Yesterday we finally found the key that we had lost before we went abroad. 5. Yesterday the scientists received the images from the space station that it had been transmitting for several days. 6. What had you been doing on holidays before you went to the country? 7. Had you done anything about the house before you went to Barbara’s birthday party? 8. When we enrolled on the 3D modelling course we found out that three of our classmates had made the same choice. 9. Before the volcano began erupting the authorities had evacuated around 5000 people from the danger(ous) zone. 10. How did you account for your absence? – I didn’t want to deceive anyone and just said that I had completely forgotten about the meeting.


1. Greg hopes that he will have repaired his car by Monday (самостоятельно отремонтирует) / … that he will have had his car repaired by Monday (кто-то другой отремонтирует его автомобиль).

2. Alicia is sure that she will have received the new phone by Monday.

3. Sam thinks he will have completed the report by Monday.

4. Cyril and his cousin hope that they will have bought a boat by Monday.

5. Mariah expects that she will have finished her dental treatment by Monday.

6. Samantha and her aunt hope that they will have won something by Monday.

7. Sam and Nelly are sure that they will have unpacked the things by Monday.

8. Uncle Jim thinks that he will have collected the honey from all the fifty beehives by Monday.

9. Mrs Lindson hopes that she will have trapped all the moles by Monday.

10. Miriam is sure that she will have tidied up the house by Monday.


1. Our friends will have left for Edinburgh 2. I will have finished school 3. We will have arrived in Moscow 4. I hope the referee will have recovered 5. We will have restored access to your account 6. The teacher will have explained this material to us 7. The workers will have cleared away this rubbish 8. I hope the antivirus program will have finished scanning the HDD


A. 1. We will have returned from the business trip by Saturday. 2. The children will have passed all the exams by the end of June and we will go to the seaside. 3. By the end of spring we will have finished most of the farm work. 4. By the end of the school year you will have learn Spanish grammar. 5. We will have delivered your washing machine by evening.

B. 1. When they come back we will already have left. 2. When we get there the last bus will already have departed. 3. When we buy the tickets back the prices will have risen. 4. The snow will have melted by the time we get back to the village. 5. I am afraid they will have sold out of tickets when we get to the box-office/ticket-office.


1d 2c 3b 4a 5e


1. will have been using hic cellphone for a year

2. he will have been driving for thirty years

3. will have been knitting the sweater

4. it will have been raining for several days

5. will have been investigating the case for a whole year


1. I realized that my interlocutor didn’t know me. 2. Victoria explained (it to us) that she wanted to rent some cheap accommodation in a London suburb. 3. We tried to find out how we could get in touch with the artist. 4. The teacher asked which of us remembered the poem. 5. It turned out that half of the group were ill. 6. John was happy that Mary was satisfied with the present. 7. Nobody knew how much the tickets to the theatre cost. 8. Tom said that my idea was pretty reasonable. 9. Did you understand what she meant? 10. Tina wrote in her message yesterday that the weather was good.


1. Ann saw that her sister was crying and decided to ask her what the matter was. 2. We couldn’t find out at once what room Professor Smith was delivering the lecture in. 3. It turned out that our friends were staying at a hotel in the/a neighbouring street. 4. The scientist announced that he was trying to reproduce the experiment of N. Tesla. 5. We heard on the radio in the car that a storm was approaching the city. 6. Nobody noticed that the ice-cream was melting in the bag. 7. I couldn’t make out what you were saying on the phone. 8. No one understood what was going on around. 9. I didn’t want to break into the conversation because everyone was listening to Liz attentively. 10. Did you ask Mary which floor of the shopping mall they were walking on?


1. Our friends wrote yesterday that they had already bought the tickets to the theatre. 2. Tom reassured us that he had properly prepared for the entrance exams. 3. We were surprised to discover that we hadn’t taken our camera with us. 4. The school website reported that the headmaster had given some pupils the letters of commendation. 5. We were happy that we had managed to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. 6. The artist told the visitors to the exhibition that he had never tried to create abstract paintings before. 7. On Saturday we printed out the photos that we had taken at the festival. 8. Why didn’t you want to read the books I had recommended to you? 9. In the morning we solved five more tasks similar to the ones we had done in the lesson. 10. On Wednesday we had lunch at a café that you had recommended to us.


1. I was surprised to find out that Liz had been learning Italian for three years on her own. 2. She told me that she had been preparing to go abroad to study there for a long time. 3. We asked Mr Watts how long he had been living in Winchester. 4. He answered that he had been living for ten years there. 5. We realized that we had been going in a wrong direction for some time (длительность)/had walked some kilometres in a wrong direction (результат). 6. The owner of the oldtimer/vintage car proudly said that he had been restoring the vehicle for more than five years. 7. I could hardly grasp how they had been living in such conditions for so long.


A. 1. Aunt Polly promised that she wouldn’t punish Tom for his bad behaviour. 2. Rob Wilkins knew that he would never come back to that town. 3. It was silly to expect that she would apologize for her words. 4. I hoped that I would return to the same place a few years later. 5. Miriam expected that Tom would propose to her in the near future. 6. Didn’t he promise that he would come for the weekend? 7. Did you ask her if she would come to us at New Year? 8. I wanted to know when the film would come out. 9. Many people in the past tried to foretell what would happen in the future. 10. We didn’t expect that he would tell the truth.

B. 1. She said she would be reading the book the whole evening. 2. We knew that they would be waiting for us from 2 till 6. 3. We didn’t have the slightest idea what we would be doing over the next few days in an/the unfamiliar country. 4. In the advert Tanya read that the library would be working from 11 till 16 the whole next week. 5. We supposed that we would be taking the exam till 3 o’clock or so.

C. 1. We were sure that we would have finished the job on time. 2. Someone said that the party would have finished by midnight. 3. We didn’t think that we would have returned home by the end of the month. 4. Didn’t you know that you wouldn’t have finished all the tasks by the end of the lesson? 5. The team of the scientists didn’t expect that they would have solved the problem by the end of the year.


1. Rob promised to repair Bill’s car if he had time. 2. Dad promised to buy Tom a bike if he behaved well. 3. I said that I would come round when I came back from the business trip. 4. They knew what house they would buy when they earned enough money. 5. Tom knew that aunt Polly would be angry if he didn’t come back home at 9 in the evening. 6. I was sure that I would remember the house where Mrs Thompson lived when I returned to London. 7. Tanya feared that she wouldn’t enter the university if she didn’t work harder.


1c 2a 3d 4b 5a 6d 7b 8c 9a 10c 11a 12d 13c 14c 15c 16d