Going on a Picnic

Going on a Picnic

Going on a picnic is a good way to spend free time. It is especially popular in summer when the weather is warm and sunny. Most people go
by car to some remote places where they can have a good time with their families and friends.
When I have an opportunity to get out of the city, the most difficult task is to choose the destination, as there are quite a lot of interesting places around. My friends and I like to spend our free time by the water. Sometimes we even take the tents and put them up on the shore of the lake. If we go on a picnic it does not mean that we take a lot of food, so generally a picnic implies making barbecues somewhere far away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
We do not like just to lie in the shade and do nothing. Any sports activities like playing volleyball, badminton are a good addition to a picnic. I always have my camera with me to take photos of nature and the people around.
I am always responsible for cutting firewood and making fire. In winter we prefer to buy ready coals and use them for barbecues. I remember that we once went to the forest in January when the temperature was twenty degrees below zero, and it was a challenge to make a fire, but we finally did it. Since then we have never gone on a picnic in winter.
In my opinion the food cooked in the open air tastes much better than what you cook in the kitchen. I do not know why, but all of my friends have noticed it more than once. My most favourite dish is grilled fish that you catch on your own. Sometimes it takes a few hours to have the catch that you want, but it is worth doing!
It is especially important to remember some rules when you go on a picnic. First, you have to be careful with fire and never leave burning coals. Be sure to extinguish them. In a strong wind you have to be careful, too, as it can spread the flame over dry grass. Second, do not leave rubbish on the site where you had a picnic. It is not pleasant to see empty bottles and plastic bags thrown out right under your feet. So when my friends and I come and see something like these, we collect the litter and then find a place to dump it on the way back. Rubbish is dangerous not only for people but also for wild animals, that find and chew it.

So picnic is one of the best ways to spend your time in unity with nature and refresh yourself, especially at the weekend or on holidays before a long period of work or studies.

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