Hobbies: Fishing

Hobbies: Fishing

There is a good saying: ‘The time that you spend on fishing is not subtracted from the time of your life’. So theoretically one can increase his life by two or even more times simply going fishing and spending half a week at the water.
As for me, I can stay by the water for long hours and I never notice how the time flies. I have been fishing since the age of four when I first took a fishing rod and went to the river
with my grandfather. At that time I realised that there is definitely some magic in the process. You never know what to expect of the forthcoming fishing: you can catch a few kilos or nothing. A real angler has interest in the process itself. If the result is rewarding then it is still better. But leaving the place with an empty fishing-crib is not a cause to get disappointed – you can have a good catch next time.
The most important thing for me that fishing provides is the relaxation. You leave all the bad thoughts and worries somewhere on the way and when you come to the water you feel completely refreshed. I usually leave the house early in the morning at around 3 or 4 a.m. to have enough time for the trip and for preparation. I like to cycle to the lake or to the river, as they are 16 kilometres away from my country house. I go fishing in summer only. Winter is the time for other activities.
I like it when dense fog is in the air. You are a few meters away from the water but you do not see it. You only hear the rare splashes of fish, that is waking up. Not a leaf is stirring around you. When the weather is changeable or windy I avoid going fishing. I know for sure that I will not get anything and the day will be just a waste of time. Sometimes the weather is really dull for a long period of time and then I long for fishing.
The first fish that you catch is especially valuable. It means that you may have hope for more ones. It is the tension of the fishing line and the trembling of the tip of the fishing rod that make the angler happy. The bigger a fish is the more excited you feel. I cannot even imagine what sea-fishing is. It must be something and I dream of it all the time.
If it is possible, I try to go to the lake on weekdays, because at the weekend the place is often crowded, and due to the noise nobody can count on a good catch. There are exceptions though. I usually spend six to eight hours by the water.
If you have never done the fishing yet, I advise you to do it. Once you have gone fishing, you will not be able to stop and quit it. I know even a few women who accompany their husbands. Fishing is an unforgettable experience, believe me.

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