Gardening and farming
People who live in the country or at least who have country houses where they spend their vacation and holidays have a wonderful opportunity to live in unity with nature. Townspeople do not often understand the striving for gardening and agricultural work.
For thousands of years people lived in smaller groups than they live now, and everyone had to work to support the family and to make a contribution to its welfare. Gardening and farming were as natural as breathing or sleeping. No one thought how to avoid it.
Any work may be interesting if you find pleasure in it. To tell the truth I didn’t understand how it is possible to find any interest in working in the garden just a few years ago. I was able to admire the beauty of trees and bushes in other people’s gardens and orchards, but I didn’t have any desire to do it on my own.
Something changed inside my soul when I first planted a few small trees. Then I subconsciously paid attention to dead branches of the other trees near our country house. I sawed them off and was happy with the result. I realized that I couldn’t leave the branches right on the ground and had to take them away. I applied special tar to the cuts on the trees, so that they wouldn’t lose moisture and wither. I didn’t notice that a few hours had passed. The next day I found something else, and during the summer holidays I did so much work that everyone was really impressed
by the result. If somebody had told me that I would do some gardening at the beginning of June, I would have just laughed at it. But… seriously, I liked it.
When you work in the open air you feel new power flowing into you. It makes you feel refreshed, no matter how long you work. And sitting by a computer throws you into the abyss of weakness and depression.
Everything became even more interesting, when I saw the first sprouts of the seeds I had sown before. I could not say I had never seen anything like this in my life. Of course I had. But those were my own sprouts on the patches of land I had cultivated myself. It was a surprise. I came to understand that I had contact with something alive. Life in the city seemed to me what it really is.
The first crops that year were mainly carrots, cabbages and strawberries which I had carefully watered throughout the holidays. They all had a special taste – the one you can never find in the products from a food store.
Most of my friends still don’t understand me. They prefer to stay indoors or hang out, just wasting time. And I don’t find it unseemly to take a spade and go to work in our garden, where nature welcomes me and rewards me with new emotions and sensations.
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