Climatic Changes

Climatic Changes

I believe anyone knows that weather forecasts have never been reliable. There are so many stations for meteorological observations all around the world. There are hundreds of satellites orbiting the Earth, but we still can’t be sure of the weather tomorrow. No one knows what it will be like.
The same may be said about climate. It is obvious, that it is changing, and one doesn’t have to be a specialist to notice it. I cannot speak about the whole world, but if we take the central region of our country, the seasons have undergone substantial influence caused by some external factors.
It was hard to imagine twenty years ago that it may be raining at the end of December. All right, this may happen once in fifty years, but not so often as it happens at present.
Quite recently there have been reports about the highest temperatures ever right at the North Pole. The probes showed the value of 0.7 above zero. Listen to it once again. The temperature reached and exceeded the melting point in the region, where it is 25 to 40 degrees below zero in winter. The so-called scientists explain it some way, but no one can deny the fact, that the Earth is getting warmer thanks to cars, industries, gas and oil extraction. We know that energy doesn’t disappear and by burning fossil fuel the humankind heats up the atmosphere just the way we heat up soup, but not so quickly.
Once I watched an interesting program about Chile. It is a wonderful place, still relatively untouched. The glaciers there are melting, so fresh water supplies are constantly decreasing. If all the fresh water of the ice caps and glaciers gets into the ocean, it will be salty and not drinkable. Rivers and lakes are drying up, too. Where will people get water to drink in the future? Of course, it is possible to evaporate fresh water from the ocean and purify it, but it will not possess the necessary qualities. Besides it requires high power inputs.
We can’t prevent the aftermath of climate changes any more, but we can still reduce the risk of disasters. But very few people on the scale of the planet seem to be worried about the state of things. As long as air is breathable we may pretend nothing serious has happened yet.
I am perfectly sure that the only way to save nature is to take steps immediately; we are in urgent need of effective measures of precaution. And it was late to think about it even yesterday to say nothing of today.

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