Birthday Celebration

Birthday Celebration


Have you ever thought what your birthday symbolizes? It is not just a day to hang out with the friends or relax. It is not just a day to get presents. It is a day to ask yourself one of the most important questions: ‘Who am I and what am I doing here?’ By ‘here’ I mean the world we live in.

Most little children wait for their birthday even more than for New Year. They are eager to get presents from the family and friends; they want to blow out the candles on the holiday cake. They can’t wait to enjoy the festive atmosphere and, of course, the festive board.

The same can be said about teenagers. They expect to be given more serious presents, like some brand-new gadgets.

People of middle age, especially women, usually don’t like to count the years they have lived, so they don’t wait for this day. Older people proudly declare that they have reached some age, like 80 or 90 years, emphasizing their luck and experience. They take their age as philosophers.

When I think of it, it’s always more and more interesting to know what I will be like in ten, twenty or thirty years’ time. And at the same time I try to remember what I was like last year or a few years ago. On my birthday I always try to put forward some goals for the coming year and analyse, which previous tasks I have managed to fulfil.

As for the presents, to tell the truth I like to give presents more than to get them. So I don’t feel comfortable when I am in the centre of attention on this day.

I never arrange big parties, and when we gather with my relatives, it’s just a good opportunity to spend time together. Sometimes I invite my friends to my place, but usually we go to a café to have a chance to discuss the latest news and events.

But still my birthday is one of my favourite holidays after New Year and Christmas. I remember nearly all my birthdays starting with the age of six. The most memorable one, though, was when I turned eleven. I got my dog as a present. At eight-thirty I was still sleeping as it was Saturday, and a puppy ran into my room barking and squeaking loudly. I hadn’t even asked my parents for a pet, but they had guessed what I really wanted that year. I got a new bike from my grandparents too. And quite a lot of other things from my friends.


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